What's Going on in the Academy
ASMEA has compiled a list of articles related to the current discourse we are observing on campus specially regarding Middle East Studies and African Studies.
- Deporting pro-terror protestors will restore order to lawless campuses, New York Post, 2/2/25
- 'Then masked men walked into my class at Columbia University', Ynet, 1/22/25
- Columbia University course on Israel disrupted by Palestinian protesters on first day of class, Jewish Insider, 1/21/25
- Biden’s Radical Reading, Commentary, 12/3/24
- How intifada and razzia shape the Palestinian struggle and global perception – opinion, The Jerusalem Post, 12/3/24
- Senate Republicans question Department of Education Middle East studies grants. Jewish Insider, 11/15/24
- Harvard’s Antisemitism Begins in the Classroom, The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/24
- Bernard Lewis: Remade in America, The Times of Israel, 9/11/24
- What Is at Stake in an Academic Boycott?, Inside Higher Ed, 9/6/24
- Get ready for another semester of the Tentifada, The Hill, 8/30/24
- American Campuses Threaten Students and the Nation, The American Spectator, 8/26/24
- The AAUP Abandons Academic Freedom, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8/13/24
- The Child Soldiers of Ethnic Studies, Tablet Magazine, 6/25/24
- The College Campus Tentifada: How It Started, Why It Matters, and How to Curb It, Hudson Institute, 5/7/24
- Upend the Department, City Journal, 4/16/24
- Field of Fire: Fifty Years in Middle East Studies, Clarity with Michael Oren, 4/11/24
- Middle East Studies: How did a demanding academic discipline become a haven for activism? SAPIR, Winter 2024
- The way to address antisemitism on college campuses is to defund and deport - opinion, The Jerusalem Post, 3/22/24
- The Takeover, Tablet Magazine, 2/26/24
- Georgetown’s Extremist Turn, City Journal, 2/23/24
- Video: Complex Politics of Israel on Campus, The Washington Institute of Near East Policy, 12/21/23
- The Crisis in Higher Education and Advice for Donors, RealClearWorld, 12/21/23
- Anti-Israel Activism in American Universities II: Middle Eastern Studies and Israel Studies, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, November 2023
- Anti-Israel Activism in American Universities I: The Advent of Anti-Israel Sentiment on Campus, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, November 2023
- A specter haunting the university, Jewish News Syndicate, 11/27/23
- A Voice of Sanity in the Campus Effort to Demonize Israel, The Algemeiner, 11/22/23
- The academy promotes Hamas, Jewish News Syndicate, 11/13/23
- Are 'Palestine Scholars' Really Denied Academic Freedom?, IPT News, 10/5/23
- George Washington University Still Has an Anti-Semitism Problem, IPT News, 8/23/23
- Princeton University Course Features Book By Professor Accused of Promoting Blood Libels, Jewish Journal, 8/14/23
- MESA’s Anti-Semitism Got Evicted—But American Academia Has a Long Way to Go, Minding the Campus, 8/1/23
- American Anthropological Association boycott of Israel will be to its detriment - opinion, The Jerusalem Post, 7/30/23
- ‘A Step Toward Eradicating Antisemitism on Campus’: George Washington University Ends Partnership with Middle East Studies Association, The Algemeiner, 7/24/23
- Middle East Studies Association Expelled from George Washington University, IPT News, 7/24/23
- The flight from MESA, Sandbox, 3/27/23 - Updated: 7/24/23
- To boycott or not to boycott?, Sandbox, 3/15/23
- GOP senators accuse Education Department of allowing ‘taxpayer-funded antisemitism’ on college campuses, Fox News Digital, 3/8/23
- Rewarding anti-Israel radicalism at San Francisco State University, Jewish News Syndicate, 1/25/23
- SFSU Prof Abdulhadi Wins Middle East Studies Award, Jewish Journal, 1/11/23
- University of Chicago Students for Justice in Palestine to Boycott Course Taught by Former IDF General, The Algemeiner, 1/11/23
- 2022: Academia's Worst Year Yet? The American Spectator, 1/4/23
- Anti-Zionist Protestors Disrupt CUNY Event on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, The Algemeiner, 12/9/22
- The Navel-Gazing Inanities of MESA, National Review, 12/1/22
- Israel boycotters convene in Denver, Sandbox, 12/1/22
- Overwhelming Majority of Middle East Scholars Support Boycotting Israel, New Survey Shows, The Algemeiner, 11/22/22
- What Middle East scholars really think about boycotting Israel, The Washington Post, 11/22/22
- Education Department funding Middle East Studies Centers pushing 'anti-West ideologies': new report, Just the News, 11/13/22
- The Hijacking of Middle East Studies, Tablet Magazine, 11/4/22
- Edward Said's Jews, Tablet Magazine, 11/1/22
- Middle East Studies Centers Captured by Activists, National Association of Scholars, 10/6/22
- GOP Probes Academic Group After It Defends Professor Who Blamed Rushdie Attack on Israel, The Washington Free Beacon, 9/15/22
- An academic mission not entirely impossible, The Times of Israel, 9/6/22
- It’s Time To Implement Trump’s Executive Order On “Combating Anti-Semitism,” Legal Insurrection, 8/20/22
- Israel Studies Has an Israel Problem, Sapir, Vol. 6, Summer 2022
- Middle East Professors Boycott Israel — Where’s the Moral Outrage?, The Algemeiner, 6/8/22
- Twin Towers and Ivory Towers, 20 Years Later, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2022
- Eyal Zisser on the American Universities after American Academics Opted for BDS, Middle East Forum, 4/8/22
- Israel will find it hard to prevail in the face of intellectual antisemitism, ynetnews, 4/8/22
- 12 Universities Urged to Drop Middle East Studies Association Over BDS Endorsement, The Algemeiner, 4/6/22
- The incredible shrinking MESA, Sandbox, 4/1/22
- Israel-Boycotting Middle East Studies Association Loses Another Institutional Member, Takes Down Membership List, Legal Insurrection, 3/31/22
- MESA Partner Web Page Down as Schools Cut Ties Over Israel Boycott, The Algemeiner, 3/29/22
- The Middle East Studies Association Betrays Academia, Minding the Campus, 3/29/22
- Brandeis Disassociates from MESA Following Passage of Pro-BDS Resolution, Jewish Journal, 3/28/22
- MESA's Israel boycott encapsulates everything wrong with academia - opinion, The Jerusalem Post, 3/26/22
- Brandeis dissociates from Middle Eastern Scholars Association, BrandeisNOW, 3/24/22
- Academic watchdog groups blast MESA for adoption of BDS resolution against Israel, Jewish News Syndicate, 3/24/22
- Middle East Studies Association Votes to Boycott Israel, The Algemeiner, 3/23/22
- Thousands of Middle East scholars sign resolution endorsing boycott of Israel, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 3/23/22
- Middle East Studies Association Endorses BDS, Jewish Journal, 3/23/22
- MESA's decision to adopt BDS is wrong - opinion, The Jerusalem Post, 3/22/22
- Study: Antisemitism Far More Likely At Schools With Faculty Members That Support BDS, Jewish Journal, 3/21/2022
- Middle East Studies Association Losing Institutional Members As Anti-Israel Boycott Resolution Voting Starts, Legal Insurrection, 2/9/2022
- Will George Washington U Let Middle East Studies Ass’n Operate International Anti-Israel Academic Boycott From Its HQ On GWU’s Campus?, Legal Insurrection, 1/25/2022
- University of Arizona, Florida State University End MESA Ties Amid Israel Boycott Debate, The Algemeiner, 1/18/22
- Florida State Drops Middle East Studies Association Membership As Group Moves Towards Israel Boycott, Legal Insurrection, 1/16/2022
- Middle East Studies Association’s members may face legal jeopardy over Israel boycott, Jewish News Syndicate, 12/30/21
- DeSantis Office: Florida Opposes Middle East Studies Association Conducting BDS Anti-Israel Academic Boycott Through FSU, Legal Insurrection, 12/22/21
- Progressive Academics Denounce Middle East Studies Association BDS Resolution, The Algemeiner, 12/21/21
- MESA’s proposed boycott of Israeli universities indicative of ‘spreading intellectual intolerance’, Jewish News Syndicate, 12/15/21
- Middle East Studies Association Moves Toward Endorsing BDS Academic Boycott Against Israel, Legal Insurrection, 12/12/21
- Middle East Studies Association’s anti-Jewish BDS backing is a frontal attack on academic freedom, NYPost.com, 12/10/21
- US Mideast academic group opposes MESA’s BDS activity, The Jerusalem Post, 12/7/21
- Academic Freedom Is Under Siege by Anti-Israel Politics, Commentary, 12/6/21
- Boycotting Israel at the Middle East Studies Association, The National Interest, 12/4/2021