Member Updates


ASMEA president Prof. Mark Clark published his book Daniel in Babylon: How He Navigated Politics in Exile and What It Means for Us Today (Wipf and Stock).

ASMEA member Dr. Tamás Dudlák published his article "Perspectives on Kurdish International Relations: ­Cross-border Kurdish agency between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan" in the Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Volume 18, 2024 - Issue 1).

ASMEA member Dr. Shaul Bartal published his article "The Development of the Jordanian National Guard in the 1950s" in The RUSI Journal (Volume 169, 2024 - Issue 5).

ASMEA member Dr. Cole Bunzel published his article "Policing Language In The Intelligence Community: The IC DEIA’s Assault On 'Problematic Terminology' In Counterterrorism Analysis" in The Caravan Notebook (March 28, 2024).

ASMEA member Prof. Donna Robinson Divine published her article "Middle East Studies" in the journal SAPIR (Winter 2024).

ASMEA member Ms. Neetu Arnold published her article "The Takeover" in Tablet Magazine (February 26, 2024).

ASMEA member Prof. Bruce Maddy-Weitzman published his article "Instrumentalizing Arabism: Morocco and the InterArab System" in The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (February 27, 2024).

ASMEA member Dr. Ido Zelkovitz began teaching his course Palestinian Society and Politics at Reichman University.

The Jewish Link featured ASMEA member Prof. Monty Penkower for being awarded the ASMEA 2023 Bernard Lewis Prize for his book After the Holocaust.

The University of St. Thomas, Minnesota highlights ASMEA member Dr. Obasesam Okoi as a 2023 Research Grant Recipient.

ASMEA member Dr. Hannah Ridge published her book Defining Democracy: Democratic Commitment in the Arab World with Lynne Rienner Publishers. She received an ASMEA Research Grant to support this work. 

ASMEA member Dr. Shaul Bartal published his article "The Palestinian youth of East Jerusalem – between Palestinian and Israeli identity" in the journal Middle East Studies (July 25, 2023).

ASMEA member Dr. Matthias Küntzel will publish his book Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War Against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II in August 2023 by Routledge.

Watch ASMEA Academic Council member Dr. Martin Kramer lead a lecture at Tel Aviv University on the late Prof. Bernard Lewis. View the video here.

Congratulations to ASMEA member Prof. Ilan Troen who received the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) Lifetime Achievement Award!

ASMEA member Dr. Jochen S. Arndt published his book Divided by the Word: Colonial Encounters and the Remaking of Zulu and Xhosa Identities (University of Virginia Press). Read a Q&A with the author in The Conversation here.

ASMEA member Dr. Ofer Israeli published his article "The US Invasion of Iraq, 2003: An Indirect Link to the Rise of ISIS" in the journal Contemporary Review of the Middle East.

ASMEA member Prof. Eliezer Tauber published his book in Hebrew, Arabs in the Underground: Arab Subversion in the Early Twentieth Century (Bialik Institute, 2023), 461pp.

ASMEA member and JMEA Book Review Editor Dr. Cole Bunzel and co-author Dr. Bernard Haykel published their article "Will Saudi Arabia Normalize Relations with Israel?" in the Hoover Institution's periodical The Caravan (Issue 2238).

ASMEA member Dr. Tricia Bacon and co-author Dr. Austin Doctor published their article "The Death of Bilal al-Sudani and Its Impact on Islamic State Operations."

ASMEA member Dr. Ido Zelkovitz and co-author Dr. Oren Asman published their article "Legal competence in Shari’a courts in Israel" in the journal Israel Affairs.

Congratulations to ASMEA Members Drs. Ronen Cohen and Dan Naor on the publication of their article "Salafism in Lebanon: the significance of Fathi Yakan and Al-Jamaʿa Al-Islamiyya” in the journal, Middle Eastern Studies.

ASMEA Member Mr. Jozsef Kadar worked with Editorial Review and Assistance team for the Report of the Task Force on Energy System which was published by the Cyprus Institute. This report was developed and supported by EMME Climate Change Initiative

ASMEA member Dr. Ahmed M. A. Sheir is co-editor of the new book series Studies in Pre-modern Arab History, published by Trivent. This series is broadly concerned with the political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history of the Arabs and the Arab World, as well as the relations of the Arabs with others from Antiquity up to the Early Modern period. 

ASMEA member Dr. Beverly Lindsay published her book Higher Education Policy in Developing and Western Nations: Contemporary and Emerging Trends in Local and Global Contexts (Routledge).

ASMEA member Prof. Richard Landes published his book Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad (Academic Studies Press). Read a review of the book by ASMEA member Prof. Jeffrey Herf in Quillette.

ASMEA member Prof. Michael Sharnoff published his article "Changing Attitudes Toward the West Bank in Jordan" in the Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Volume 46, Number 1, Fall 2022).

Follow ASMEA members Prof. Mohamed Ahmed, Dr. Ben Outhwaite, Mr. Muhammad Imran Khan, and Dr. Ahmed M. A. Sheir as they continue progress on their project "Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah." This project is based largely at Trinity College Dublin in the Near and Middle Eastern Studies Department, and in collaboration with University of Cambridge. The project is funded from the European Research Council (ERC).

ASMEA member Prof. Alexander Bligh published his article "A Comparative Analysis of the Israeli and Saudi Economies and an Argument for Bilateral Cooperation" in the journal Asian Affairs (November 7, 2022).

ASMEA member Mr. Asher Lubotzky and coauthor Dr. Roni Mikel Arieli published their article, "'The Great Trek Towards Nazism': Anti-Fascism and the Radical Left in South Africa During the Early Apartheid Era" in the South African Historical Journal (Vol 74, No 1).

ASMEA Executive Director Dr. Asaf Romirowsky joined the podcast, "Top Story" with Jonathan Tobin. 

Dr. Daniel Pipes, president of Middle East Forum, sites ASMEA member Prof. Amatzia Baram's Journal of the Middle East and Africa article, "Speaking Truth to Power in a Dictatorship: Secular Ideology versus Islamic Realpolitik - A Fierce Dispute in Saddām's Iraq" in his opinion piece for The Washington Times.

ASMEA member Mr. Salih Yasun won the "Outstanding Student Paper Award" from the Political Science Department at Indiana University, Bloomington. This paper, "Bureaucrat-Local Politician Relations and Hierarchical Local Governance in Emerging Democracies: A Case Study of Tunisia" was published in the Journal of the Middle East and Africa (Volume 13, Issue 1) and received a 2021 ASMEA Research Grant for his work.

ASMEA member Dr. Ahmed M. A. Sheir published his book The Prester John Legend between East and West during the Crusades. Entangled Eastern-Latin Mythical Legacies (Trivent Publishing, June 2022).

ASMEA member Prof. Bruce Maddy-Weitzman published his book, Amazigh Politics in the wake of the Arab Spring (University of Texas Press).

ASMEA member Prof. Beverly Lindsay published her article on Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu on the Fulbright Association website.

View previous Member Updates HERE.