Past Conferences

Sixteenth Annual ASMEA Conference
November 4 - 6, 2023 | Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel | Washington, D.C.

Fifteenth Annual ASMEA Conference
November 5 - 7, 2022 | Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel | Washington, D.C.

Fourteenth Annual ASMEA Conference

November 13 - 15, 2021 | Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel | Washington, D.C. | Virtual

Thirteenth Annual ASMEA Conference
Understanding the Regions: Politics, Identity, and History of the Middle East and Africa

November 18 - 20, 2020 | Virtual

Twelfth Annual ASMEA Conference
Past, Present and Future in the Middle East and Africa

October 31 - November 02, 2019  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Eleventh Annual ASMEA Conference
Tradition, Evolution, and Revolution in the Middle East and Africa

November 01 - November 03, 2018  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Tenth Annual ASMEA Conference
The Middle East and Africa: Assessing the Regions Ten Years On

October 19 - October 21, 2017  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Ninth Annual ASMEA Conference
Taking the Long View: Assessing Change in the Middle East and Africa

October 27 - October 29, 2016  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Eighth Annual ASMEA Conference
For Better or Worse? Historical Trends in the Middle East and Africa

October 29 - October 31, 2015  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Seventh Annual ASMEA Conference
Searching for Balance in the Middle East and Africa

October 30 - November 01, 2014  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Sixth Annual ASMEA Conference
Tides of Change: Looking Back and Forging Ahead in the Middle East and Africa

November 21 - November 23, 2013  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Fifth Annual ASMEA Conference
History and the “New” Middle East and Africa

October 11 - October 13, 2012  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington D.C.

Fourth Annual ASMEA Conference
Out of the Past, Into the Future: Reflections on the Middle East and Africa

November 03 - November 05, 2011  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington D.C.

Third Annual ASMEA Conference
The Middle East and Africa in the 21st Century: Local Trends, Regional Challenges, Global Impacts

November 04 - November 06, 2010  |  Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington D.C.

Second Annual ASMEA Conference
The Middle East and Africa:Historic Connections and Strategic Bridges

October 22-24, 2009 | Key Bridge Marriott Hotel  |  Washington, D.C.

Inaugural ASMEA Conference
Evolution of Islamic Politics, Philosophy and Culture in the Middle East and Africa: From Traditional Limits to Modern Extremes

April 24-26, 2008 | Washington Marriott Wardman Park  |  Washington, D.C.